My dad told me the story so that I can tell my kids and our generations about fishing in the past.
This story is about my dad Kokoria and when he was young. He went to Tautua school with his three sisters and two brothers. When school finished, he would walk to his grandmother’s house and stay there until his dad picked him up.
He loved going fishing with his dad and brothers and always caught fish. Later on he would go and sell fish. His friend would come with a little bit of money and try and get him to play, but he always said no because he had to finish his job.
When it was eating time they always ate fish. He was the oldest brother in his family.
When his dad died his mum married another man and he ended up with three step brothers and three step sisters.
I chose this shape because it represents my island Tongareva and because we live next to the ocean. Every time we go swimming, we always see a stingray.
I chose these different patterns because it represents all my family and all my aunties uncles and cousins.
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