My Aunty’s Past
My Aunty Aps told me this story about her past. This story tells us to enjoy life.
My Aunty Aps was born and raised in Rarotonga with her three sisters. In Rarotonga my aunty lived in Avatiu near the Avatiu Habour. Everytime in the morning my aunty would go outside to rake the rubbish before she went to school. My aunty went to Avatea School when she was a young girl. After school my aunty would walk home. At the age of twelve, she started learning how to bake. A year later she moved to New Zealand in Wellington with her mother.
In New Zealand she went to Silverstream School and made some new friends. In Wellington she went to two other schools. When my aunty was in college she came back to the Cook Islands. My aunty has been living in Raro since 1985. Her most exciting time in her life was working for a shipping company. After her job with the shipping company, she started baking again and working for other jobs.