Temata Patai

This story was told by my mum.  The story is about my grandmother and her life as a child.  I learned about the traditions of the past to think about the changes I see today.

Kia Orana,

My mother told me a story about my grandmother.

When my grandmother was young she used to go to Church with her parents every Sunday and she was in Girl Guides and Brownies. She also went to Sunday School every Sunday.

My great grandfather first brought a television set to my grandmother’s house.  Back then, it was a big deal because no one else had a television set – so they were having their own cinema – it was quite popular.  Sometimes a lot of her neighbours would come and watch with her family and all her friends too.  Also, some people would stand outside and watch through the windows, because there was no more room to watch in.  This was during the time when she was going to Tereora College [T.C], when all her friends would come.


I did this shape because I really want to win a trophy like this one day. The flower in it represents my parents, my siblings and myself and right in the middle is a cross for JESUS CHRIST, because I am a Christian. I also did a half of a sun because it represents how big and bright it is, just like my family and it always makes me happy. I also did diamonds because I love the colors of them when the light shines on it.